A New Teen Space At the Pawling Library!

A New Teen Space At the Pawling Library!

Construction on the new Teen Space will commence in August, when JPL Glass and Storefronts of Pawling will begin the off hours build of the glass-enclosed room within a portion of  the existing Donaldson Wing.  The new space will not only provide access to computers designated especially for teen use, but  will also provide this active group with a special sound dampening space to meet, plan, play and socialize while preserving use of the Library’s main reading room for those patrons who come to the library for quiet enjoyment. The Library has applied for a New York State Library Construction Grant to cover costs of this project, and a recently received Bullet Aid Grant from State Senator Terrence Murphy will help to defray the cost of six new computers for this area.
During this project, although construction noise will not interrupt the relative quiet at the library, a bit of mess and dust will be inevitable, so the Library Board of Trustees, along with Library Director, Brian Avery apologize for any inconvenience as they try to keep disruptions at a minimum.  In the meantime, all are looking forward to this new, enclosed interior space for young patron use.

Author: Harlem Valley News