Dutchess County District Attorney Elect, Anthony P. Parisi, announces his choice for Chief Assistant District Attorney

Dutchess County District Attorney Elect, Anthony P. Parisi,
announces his choice for Chief Assistant District Attorney

District Attorney Elect, Anthony P. Parisi, announced today that he has chosen Michael W. Brady to fill the position of Chief Assistant District Attorney. Parisi’s opponent in
the race for District Attorney and current Chief Assistant, Matthew A. Weishaupt, will be retiring at the end of this year. DA Elect Parisi is excited to welcome Mr. Brady back to
the District Attorney’s office. Parisi said “it is imperative to bring the right people into the DA’s office as we move towards a new era in the Dutchess County District Attorney’s
Office; one of improvement, collaboration, efficiency, justice, and fairness.”
Michael W. Brady was born and raised in Dutchess County and currently resides in Poughkeepsie with his wife Kelly Brady, Esq, a partner at Brooke, Brady & Schopfer,
LLP and their daughter. Mr. Brady is currently serving as the Principal Law Clerk to the Honorable Jessica Z. Segal, Dutchess County Court Judge and has held that position
since June of 2021. Mr. Brady previously served 8 years as a Dutchess County Public Defender and approximately 8 years as a Senior Assistant District Attorney from 2013
until 2021 when he left to become Judge Segal’s law clerk. Mr. Brady has also served as an Assistant Corporation Counsel for the City of Poughkeepsie and a private criminal
defense attorney.
Brady stated that he is “honored and enthusiastic to return to the DA’s office under Parisi’s leadership. I fully support and join in his focus on public safety, accountability,
integrity, transparency, and the modernization of the DA’s Office. I look forward to assisting our next District Attorney in implementing intelligence led policing/prosecution in Dutchess County to combat crime effectively and efficiently, while simultaneously building trust between law enforcement and the communities we serve.”

Author: Harlem Valley News