Pawling Rotary’s 6th Annual Golf Outing Raises Money for Educational Initiatives



Pawling Rotary’s 6th Annual Golf Outing Raises Money for Educational Initiatives

By Susan Stone

Pawling Rotary’s 6thh Annual Golf Outing took place at the beautiful Quaker Hill Country Club on Thursday, June 1st, at noon.  With partly cloudy skies and a challenging breeze on the links, members of the Pawling and Rotary communities came together to raise funds for the Roger Smith-Pawling Rotary College Scholarship Fund, as well as many other Rotary educational initiatives.  Dollars raised at the event will provide funds for two college scholarships donated annually to graduating seniors at Pawling High School, as well as the Pawling Rotary International Youth Exchange Scholarship, which will provide funds needed to facilitate an international educational and cultural exchange for a Pawling High School student and an incoming international student. Additionally, these funds will provide up to five full scholarships to the Rotary Youth Leadership conference,  the third grade dictionary initiative, as well as contributions made to facilitate two group college tours for high school  juniors and seniors.

As the sun finally broke through after many days of rain, thirty nine golfers enjoyed  the day on the Country Club’s award winning course, even though the hole in one prize,  a brand new Cadillac donated by Ingersoll Auto, remained elusive.

This year’s event honored Fayne and Ross Daniels,  Rotary Club members and extraordinary community volunteers, who embody Rotary’s motto of “Service Above Self.”  Several in attendance at the event roast beef dinner, prepared by  Lowell’s at Quaker Hill, spoke  about the couple, and the far reaching influence of their volunteerism. Among the  speakers were John Ammaturo and Terry Stewart, event co-chairs, as well as Tom, Charles and Dave Daniels, sons of Ross and Fayne, who spoke about the love their parents have for the Pawling Community, while sharing amusing anecdotes about growing up in Pawling with Fayne and Ross at the helm of their family ship.

For further information about the Pawling Rotary Club and their mission of supporting community youngsters, please log onto their web site at

Author: Harlem Valley News