Read Together has another success story


Pawling Library – Congratulations to the Fritts family who was recently added to our Read Together Wall of Fame!  The Frittses read 1,000 books as they participated in our Read Together Program where families are encouraged to “plant the seeds of literacy” by reading regularly to their children at home.

Katy Fritts, mother of Annie & Graham said, “’Start reading to her right after birth!’ are the famous words of my mother, a preschool teacher. She also told us it doesn’t matter what a child reads (comics, cereal box, game rules. etc), as long as they’re reading. We started reading to Annie when she was one day old. We were so excited about the Pawling Library 1000 books program. The Pawling Library and its programs have become like our local community center. We feel that the experience of books and reading are so important. It brings ways to learn about the world right in to our house.”

You can read more about this program on our web site and we welcome new families to come into the library to sign up to participate in the program.  “We’ll give you everything you need to get started and we’ll even celebrate some of the milestones with you!  You are your child’s first teacher and reading is the most important thing you can do to start your child on the road to reading!”

If you have questions about the program you can contact Ms. Karen by email at or by phone at 855-3444.  She would love to help you start planting the seeds of literacy in your home.

Author: Harlem Valley News