Giving Thanks at the Pawling Resource Center


Giving Thanks at the Pawling Resource Center


By Susan Stone

It is the time of year when many of us take stock and appreciate our many blessings. For those in our community for whom blessings are in short supply, The Pawling Resource Center turns to the community for donations that can provide a little bit extra for our neighbors in need. The PRC is now looking for holiday meal donations.  These include donations of turkeys and stuffing mix for the food pantry, and any other food donations that will help to make this holiday season one of blessings for all.

.Additionally, this is the time of year when the PRC looks to the community to assist with their Adopt- A -Family program.  This program provides wrapped gifts of needed new clothing items and one or two toys to the children of families that find this luxury out of reach for them on Christmas day.  The PRC also includes gift cards to Hannaford’s as a special bonus to the entire family, which helps to provide nutritious meals during this season of giving.

For further information about both of these holiday programs, contact Program Coordinator, Terry Ariano, at  855-3459, or stop by to discuss how you can help this holiday season at the Resource Center at 126 East Main Street in Pawling.

Author: Harlem Valley News