State Police from Troop K to participate in Halloween crackdown on impaired and intoxicated drivers


State Police from Troop K to participate in Halloween crackdown on impaired and intoxicated drivers

Major Robert M. Nuzzo
Troop K Commander
The New York State Police will increase patrols to crackdown on drunk driving and underage drinking this Halloween weekend.

In an effort to prevent tragedies caused by impaired drivers, the New York State Police will conduct a special traffic enforcement effort during this Halloween weekend. Troopers will also conduct underage drinker identification details statewide.

The effort will begin on Friday, October 28, 2016 and continue through Tuesday, November 1, 2016.

Drivers can expect a number of sobriety checkpoints, additional patrols, underage drinking and sales to minor’s enforcement this weekend.

Superintendent George P. Beach II said, “Halloween is a weekend of fun, but can also be a lesson in responsibility on New York’s roadways. We urge drivers to be smart and make the right choice to not drink and drive. Please use other resources to not get behind a wheel this Halloween weekend. Troopers will be out in force making sure this Halloween is a safe one on the roads.”

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that nationwide, Halloween is a particularly deadly night due to the high number of impaired drivers on the roads.

During last year’s initiative there were more than 730 crashes, which killed three people and injured 126 others. Troopers also arrested 167 people for DWI and issued more than 7,600 tickets for speeding, distracted driving and other traffic violations.


Author: Harlem Valley News