County Executive Highlights Work of Dutchess County’s Probation Officers


County Executive Highlights Work of
Dutchess County’s Probation Officers
National Pretrial, Probation and Parole Supervision Week Recognized

PoughkeepsieJuly 17-23 is National Pretrial, Probation and Parole Supervision Week, recognizing the critical role community supervision professionals contribute towards reducing recidivism and lowering the prison and jail population. In Dutchess County, probation officers supervise nearly 3,000 adults and juveniles each year.

m&mLast week, Dutchess County Executive Marcus J. Molinaro joined officers from the Dutchess County Office of Probation & Community Corrections’ Electronic Monitoring and Warrant Unit, one of several supervision units in the department, to learn more about the County’s electronic monitoring program. Electronic monitoring is an alternative to incarceration program that allows probation officers to continuously supervise probationers in their homes and/or at their place of employment through the use of a small transmitter attached to the individual’s ankle. If an individual leaves his or her home without authorization, probation officers receive a notification generated by the electronic monitoring equipment. Vehicles operated by probation officers are equipped with the necessary mobile equipment to detect transmitters in the community. Teams of probation officers are assigned 24 hours a day, seven days a week to oversee individuals under this program.

The County Executive joined officers for several routine electronic monitoring checkups with residents in the community. While at the individuals’ homes, the officers verified the location of the monitoring transmitter, spoke with the individuals regarding their progress under the program, and performed breathalyzer tests in cases where it was ordered by the court. Individuals assigned to electronic monitoring can be charged with misdemeanors or felonies including drug offenses, DWI, assaults and property crimes. So far this year, the Probation Office has supervised 149 cases of electronic monitoring. To watch a video of the visit, click here.marc and john

Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro said, “The work done by our Probation Officers goes well beyond their daily supervision of adult and juvenile offenders. During our electronic monitoring supervision visits, I observed the officers’ interactions with the probationers assigned to this program and was impressed by the sincere and genuine approach officers took to assist individuals to complete the program, ultimately to help lead to a more successful and productive way of life. I thank all of our probation officers for their commitment to maintaining safety and security in our community, and for their diligence in providing this valuable alternative to incarceration program. I’m grateful to all those in law enforcement for the sacrifice they make keeping our community safe.” 

Electronic monitoring is one of the County’s many alternative to incarceration programs. Electronic monitoring has played a significant role in lowering the number of days served by defendants in custody as well as assisted with reducing the number of juveniles placed in non-secure and secure detention. This form of supervision is an effective tool for decreasing the recidivism rate because it allows indimarc, mark, and gabbyviduals under intensive supervision to remain employed or in school.

“The Office of Probation & Community Corrections’ staff work tirelessly year round to deliver effective services and programming to enhance our criminal justice system, reduce recidivism, and protect our community. The innovative work of our agency’s staff to combat crime and delinquency has become a model throughout New York State and the country. I commend their dedication and commitment to serving our residents and Dutchess County,” said Mary Ellen Still, Director of the Office of Probation & Community Corrections.

The mission of the Dutchess County Office of Probation & Community Corrections is to protect the community through intervention in the lives of those under supervision by facilitating compliance with court orders and serving as a catalyst for positive change. They operate in collaboration with our criminal justice partners and the community. They provide services to courts, help strengthen families and give victims a voice in the justice system. They provide leadership and services in a cost-effective community-based setting.

To learn more about the work of the Dutchess County Office of Probation & Community Corrections, go to:

To learn more about National Pretrial, Probation and Parole Supervision Week, go to:

Author: Harlem Valley News