Delgado Campaign Releases Two New TV Ads


Delgado Campaign Releases Two New TV Ads

Kingston, NY – Today, Delgado for Congress released two new ads, “Accountability” and “Forward.” The ads will air on television and digital throughout New York’s 19th District.

In “Accountability” Antonio’s father said he wanted to raise a man who would be a positive influence.

“I didn’t raise my children for myself, I raised them for the world,” his father William said in the ad.

His mother called that “accountability.”

Antonio said the reason why he’s running has a lot to do with the values that his parents instilled in him. “You grounded me in something bigger than myself,” Antonio said. “A desire to serve.”

In the ad “Forward” Antonio highlights his working class roots in Schenectady. “Everything we had, we earned,” Antonio said in the ad.



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Author: Harlem Valley News