Summer Time is Kids Time at the Pawling Library


Summer Time is Kids Time at the Pawling Library

Summer programming at the Pawling Library is going to rock for community kids! The library has a full slate of exciting programs planned to help children and their families practice their literacy skills, learn about science, sing songs and have fun! Neena McBaer, Children’s Program Coordinator, has indicated that there are still a few openings available in several programs. Ms. Neena wanted parents to know that their children are welcome to register and participate, “even if they can only attend a couple of weeks out of the summer.”
Carla Biggs, Library Summer Children’s Programming Specialist shared, “In particular, we have a lot of teen volunteers who would like to read one-on-one with new, struggling, or reluctant readers. If your child would like one-on-one reading practice, we would love for them to sign up to be a book buddy.”
Pre-registration extends through July 2nd. After that, anyone interested in attending can register on a first-come, first-served basis.
More information about this summer’s programs can be found by visiting or emailing Ms. Neena at

Author: Harlem Valley News