Pawling Library Receives Second Grant this Summer


Pawling Library Receives Second Grant this Summer

By Susan Stone


The Pawling Library has been awarded a MHLS (Mid-Hudson Library System) mini-grant of $1,000 with funds from the New York State Library’s Adult Literacy Library Services 2018-19 grant program and Coordinated Outreach Services Aid. These funds are targeted to develop and expand adult literacy programs which will enhance workforce development services at the library and improve adult literacy on the job and in the home. This grant is meant to target strategic audiences and non-traditional users, meet the changing needs of the community, and enhance adult literacy through collaboration with a Literacy Partner Organization.

Since 2016 the Pawling Library has offered ESOL classes through their partnership with Dutchess Community College.  The benefits for those participating in the program have been far-reaching, including making it possible for some individuals to find employment.  “Even with this excellent service in place,” explained Donald Partelow, Adult Programming Coordinator, “we wished to do more to promote literacy at our library.  In 2017 the Library was awarded the MHLS Adult Literacy Mini-grant that enabled us to expand this program to include one-on-one tutoring for those in need of more assistance in learning English.  We would like to maintain our present level of service to our patrons by continuing to provide tutoring classes for another year.”  Dutchess Commuity College will begin a new semester of ESOL classes at the Library in September of 2018.

“By offering a combination of ESOL group and one-on-one instruction at the Pawling Library we have greatly benefited people in our community,” continued Partelow. “ Free ESOL tutoring is an invaluable service, especially for those from low-income families who are unable to afford ESOL classes. Weekly tutoring also helps those whose work schedules or childcare needs preclude them from attending the library’s ESOL classes in the mornings. The grant will pay a significant portion of the cost for tutoring. With this funding we wish to continue to further the development of our literacy program, by reaching out to more people, providing as much time to students for tutoring each month that the grant will allow.”

For further information about ESOL at the Pawling Library, and this grant from the Mid-Hudson Library System, contact Donald Partelow at or call the library at 845-855-3444.



Author: Harlem Valley News