Karen Smythe Slams Senator Serino For Failing Students And Refusing To Pass Teacher Evaluation Reform


Karen Smythe Slams Senator Serino For Failing Students And Refusing To Pass Teacher Evaluation Reform

(Red Hook, NY) Senate Candidate Karen Smythe slammed Senator Sue Serino and the Senate Republicans for refusing to support students and pass the bi-partisan bill to reform the teacher evaluation system in New York. Currently, educators are forced to teach to controversial high-stakes tests, rather than focusing on actually educating their students. The bill Senator Serino refused to fight for, S.8301, would have ended the mandatory use of these flawed test scores in teacher evaluations.

“Voters are tired of politicians claiming one thing and then acting differently. We want Senators who will actually fight for our students and public education stakeholders, and that clearly isn’t Sue Serino,” Karen Smythe said. “This common sense education reform bill had 55 co-sponsors in the 63-Member Senate and passed the State Assembly 133-1, yet Sue Serino refused to stand up and ensure it actually got a vote in the State Senate. This political double-talk and inaction has held New York back for far too long and we deserve better from our state government.”


Author: Harlem Valley News