A New Chapter Art Exhibition


A New Chapter Art Exhibition

 An art exhibition is currently on display by the Pawling Library In collaboration with the Front Street Gallery in Patterson, NY.  The artwork of 28 artists was selected, each with their own distinctive styles and mediums ranging from painting to photography, arranged for exhibition by curator Jeanette Rodriguez of the gallery.
 An opening reception took place on April 28, attended by many from Pawling and especially the Pawling Library community.  A gallery patron shared with Donald Partelow, who conceived and organized the event, that, ” the enjoyment isn’t just in seeing the art but in interpreting the meaning of each piece.”  Mr. Partelow shared, ” …on display is a painting of an elderly woman pulling a cart. The artist happened upon this woman in passing and had to capture this moment before it was lost in time.” The painting is entitledSocial Evolution by Nora Roberto.
 Mr. Partelow …” thank[s] the Front Street Gallery’s Jeremy Wolff and Jeanette Rodriguez for the opportunity to work together, uniting our communities. We thank the many artists for creating beautiful works of art, for bringing more beauty into our world, preserving moments in time to be shared with others for years to come.”
A New Chapter will be on display at the Front Street Gallery, 21 Front Street, Patterson, NY, through June 22. For further information, contact the gallery at  frontstreetgallery.org

Author: Harlem Valley News