Putnam County Sheriff Robert L. Langley, Jr. and District Attorney Robert v. Tendy Remind Residents to Be Aware of Thieves Impersonating Utility Workers


Putnam County Sheriff Robert L. Langley, Jr. and District Attorney Robert v. Tendy Remind Residents to Be Aware of Thieves Impersonating Utility Workers


As with other power outages, there is always a concern about people becoming victims to a burglary or larceny by those posing as NYSEG employees. Here are some reminders to help ensure that our residents don’t fall prey to common scams that have been used in the past during power outages:

  1. NYSEG employees will never come to your house, knock on your door, and ask you if they can check your inside wiring, or your meter or any other safety issue in your house. NYSEGemployees tend to road issues and exterior issues. They will not be asking to enter your home.
  2. If you have a generator, NYSEG employees will not come to your house and ask for access in order to “check on the flow of electricity” for safety purposes.
  3. Beware of “home oil company” representatives or employees who want to enter your home to “make sure you are safe.” If you did not call them do NOT let them enter your home. Always ask for identification.
  4. If you see someone wandering around your property pretending to look at wires or lights or cable wires, chances are they are not there from NYSEG. They are more likely looking for an access point to your home, or looking to see if they can grab something and run. NYSEG employees come with a crew and are in marked vehicles, etc.
  5. NYSEG employees who are driving around checking wires and poles are always in marked vehicles.
  6. NYSEG will not call you and ask you to verify personal information so that they can get your electricity turned on. If anyone calls you in this regard, do not give them account information, address information, birthdate information, “security question” information, etc.

Finally, remember to Call 911 only in an emergency. If you have suspicions about someone, call the sheriff’s office at 845-225-4300, or your local police department.

Author: Harlem Valley News