Daniel Arket of Poughquag graduates from Roger Williams University


News from Roger Williams University


Daniel Arket of Poughquag graduates from Roger Williams University

BRISTOL, RI (11/29/2016)– Please note, this press release contains the names of students who graduated in Spring 2016. Regardless of the delay, Roger Williams University wants to make sure you have the names of graduates from your area.

Roger Williams University is proud to announce that Daniel Arket of Poughquag, NY earned a B.S. in Engineering (mechanical Engr. Specialization).

About RWU: With campuses on the coast of Bristol and in the heart of Providence, R.I., Roger Williams University is a forward-thinking private university committed to strengthening society through engaged teaching and learning. At RWU, small classes, direct access to faculty and guaranteed opportunity for real-world projects ensure that its nearly 4,000 undergraduates – along with hundreds of law students, graduate students and adult learners – graduate with the ability to think critically along with the practical skills that today’s employers demand. Roger Williams is leading the way in American higher education, confronting the most pressing issues facing students and families – increasing costs, rising debt and job readiness. Since launching the signature Affordable Excellence initiative in 2011, RWU has held the line on cost, freezing tuition for an unprecedented five consecutive years and guaranteeing that tuition for continuously enrolled full-time students.

Author: Harlem Valley News