Fair and Honest Dealing




Please join us this Saturday at Maxon Mills from 4 – 6pm for the opening of “Fair and Honest Dealing”, photos of the historic Luther Barn by John Dolan, in conjunction with “RELAY: Page, Voice, Place” with Leon Johnson and Audra Wolowiec.

Through a series of workshops in the community, book arts, sound recordings and interviews, The Wassaic Project Fall 2016 Artists in Residence, Leon Johnson and Audra Wolowiec, in collaboration with Education Director Tara Foley, seek to foster dialog between young residents and long-time residents of the Wassaic community. Each youth will be paired with a member of the community to act as a carrier of information to continue the rich narrative surrounding place. The project will culminate with a limited edition artist book, sound archive and exhibition, both in the school and at The Wassaic Project.

For more info:

Author: Harlem Valley News