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Vulnerable adult found by hound in Clermont

21 February 2023
Major Kathryne M. Rohde
Troop K Commander

Clermont, New York – On February 17, 2023, the New York State Police responded to an address in the town of Clermont for a missing vulnerable adult.

With help from the town of Clermont Highway Superintendent and the Tousey Winery a good last known location was established in a wooded area near the winery despite the victim being missing for approximately three hours.  Trooper Bell and his bloodhound partner Tilly located the victim’s trail and began working into the woods.  Tilly worked through a swamp and multiple fields before finding the victim, who was wearing light clothing, after a half hour track.

With temperatures below freezing and the victim’s vulnerable status, we are extremely thankful that with the help our community and the hard work or our members, the victim was found by bloodhound Tilly.

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