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Library Centennial Committee Presents a “Wizard of Oz” Family Block Party Blowout on August 28!

Library Centennial Committee Presents a “Wizard of Oz” Family Block Party Blowout on August 28!

By Susan Stone

In homage to L. Frank Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, extremely popular in 1921 when the Pawling Library was founded, the centennial committee of the Pawling Library, in partnership with Pawling Recreation and with library children and teen program coordinators Neena McBaer and Phillip Prout, will host a major summer celebration for community families. Scheduled for Saturday, August 28th from 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Lakeside Park’s pavilion and the surrounding park area, it promises to be a party to remember with fun and games galore! “The world of Dorothy, Toto, and all of the fantastic creatures of Oz will be at the heart of this year’s event,” offered Ms. McBaer. Mr. Prout added, “The teen community service Library group, ‘Project Do Something,’ will be contributing to the planning and execution of the event. The teen volunteers will be helping with running variations of the games of tag, musical chairs, and more for the younger children. A rainbow mural, made of recyclable materials and fitting with the Wizard of Oz theme, will be completed by the teen volunteers and displayed at the event.”

Activities being planned include “Dunk the Wicked Witch,” featuring members of the library’s staff and volunteers in a dunk tank. Following the yellow brick road will earn sweet treats, and children may also take a bumpy ride to Oz in Dorothy’s Bounce House. Lively music and a Wizard-of-Oz-themed costume contest will round out the day’s enchanted offerings.  Kids can win candy, stickers, and other small prizes by playing games. Popsicles and other treats will be available all afternoon.

This event will also serve as the end-of-summer reading party, offered annually by the library. The festivities will include a raffle, with prizes to include local gift certificates and a Kindle Fire, as well as Lola the Owl stuffies (the new Kids Corner mascot) and other centennial merchandise in honor of the future children’s library wing. Ms. McBaer explained, “Throughout July and August, families can earn raffle tickets and other prizes when they log their time spent reading and learning in our Tails and Tales Summer Reading Challenge. Plus, if our community can collectively log 20,000 minutes read before the Wizard of Oz event, we’ll earn our community prize, a new marketplace toy installation for our Library. If our goal is reached, the marketplace will be unveiled at the event!” Area residents of all ages are welcome to participate. Visit to find out more about the Summer Reading Program or stop by the library to pick up a paper tracking form.

Jessica Dickenson, Director of Pawling Recreation, has been instrumental in assisting with facility planning and services for this community-wide event. She was excited to share that “The Pawling Recreation Department is happy to partner with the Pawling Library during these special centennial celebrations! We highly value the strong partnership we have with the library, which enables us to reach as much of Pawling as possible through enjoyable community-building events.”

The Oliver S. and Jennie R. Donaldson Charitable Trust has generously funded the library’s centennial-year programming. Admission to the August 28th extravaganza is free to the community, and the event will be held rain or shine. Information about additional centennial-year programming is available at the library or on line at, and throughout Pawling. Look for the purple programming info cards at checkout counters at participating Pawling businesses.

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