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Positive Case of COVID-19/Coronavirus Confirmed on Bard College Campus

Positive Case of COVID-19/Coronavirus
Confirmed on Bard College Campus

Poughkeepsie … The Dutchess County Department of Behavioral & Community (DBCH) has confirmed a fourth positive case of Coronavirus/COVID-19 in Dutchess County. The individual is a member of the Bard College community and had interaction with faculty and students. DBCH public health professionals are working in coordination with Bard College and are conducting contact investigations.

Dutchess County Behavioral & Community Health Commissioner Dr. Anil Vaidian said, “While we are not generally disclosing locations of cases out of an abundance of respect for the privacy of these individuals and their rights under HIPAA laws, we are confirming this location as it is a college campus where there are close interactions and the individual was known to be in contact with numerous people on the campus. Bard College will be doing outreach to those in contact with the individual and we will engage in monitoring protocol.”

Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro said, “We remain vigilant in responding to and containing individual cases of Coronavirus as they are confirmed. However, the community’s focus must not be the specific cases or numbers, but rather on staying healthy with vigilant personal hygiene – hand washing, cleaning and social distancing. The actions I ordered yesterday – cancellation of large social and community gatherings and closure of schools for two weeks – are to help slow the spread of coronavirus and decrease the impact to our community.”

“As Coronavirus cases continue to be a part of the new normal for the time being, we can all be part of the care and support for those who are ill. For most people, cases of Coronavirus will be mild and individuals will be able to rest and recover at home. Stay home if you don’t feel well. If you know someone who is not feeling well, offer ways to help support them- whether it is childcare, a run to the grocery store, or other needs – and enable them to stay at home. Providing these supports will help lessen the spread in our community,” continued County Executive Molinaro. Stay informed and up to date on how to protect against coronavirus at 

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