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Getting in the Halloween spirit with a food drive for the Pawling Resource Center

Pawling Karate got in the Halloween spirit with a food drive for the Pawling Resource Center. This is their 5th consecutive year running a “Trick or Treat for the Hungry” food drive. Students brought canned goods, pasta, and other non-perishable items to the karate school.
Last year the students gathered more than 600 pounds of food for donation. This year they collected more than 650 pounds! The families of Pawling Karate were extremely generous, with some people individually donating more than 50 items!
Sensei Alexis, chief instructor and owner said, “Everyone really got into the food drive this year! My favorite part is when the kids would come in with their bags full of donations with a huge smile. One of our 4 year old students who donated a package of pancake mix said ‘Someone’s going to have a great breakfast!’ I’m so proud of our karate family.”
The donations were appreciated and the Pawling Resource Center has added to their shelves. If you would like to donate, please see their website for hours and contact information.

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