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Letter to the Editor: John Faso is no friend to women


To the Editor:

Representative John Faso is no friend to women yet casts himself as our champion. The latest, highly offensive mailings on Faso’s behalf site sexual harassment statistics and suggest that Faso’s opponent Antonio Delgado is not a supporter of women’s issues. Yet it is Faso who has repeatedly voted against measures to protect women, rendering his use of assault as a campaign ploy even more outrageous.

Faso voted against funding rape crisis centers and a bi-partisan anti-stalking bill.  He has failed to protect women’s health care access, voting in favor of allowing higher insurance premiums for women, against expanding prenatal health, and casting the deciding vote to repeal the ACA.  After promising to protect Planned Parenthood, a health care lifeline for low-income women, John Faso voted to defund the organization.

Antonio Delgado is a supporter of women’s right to make their own health care decisions and will work tirelessly to ensure affordable health care for all.  He will fight for equal pay for equal work, something John Faso voted against 21 times.   Antonio Delgado is running a positive, issues-based campaign rooted in integrity. The record shows that Faso is in lockstep with Trump’s anti-woman agenda. Faso can’t be trusted to keep his promises; he is the true danger to women.

Lisa Kohomban

Pawling NY

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