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Letter To the Editor: Here’s Why Robert Kesten is the Best Choice for New York State Senator



Here’s Why Robert Kesten is the Best Choice for New York State Senator

Robert Kesten listens to the People. Robert Kesten will represent the People. All the People!

Robert is a lifelong Westchester resident, living in Lewisboro, with his husband and two sons. He’s experienced working with presidents, prime ministers, and state and local elected officials. Robert is also an educator, union member, and a human rights activist.

As your State Senator, Robert will vote for a NY Health Act that guarantees comprehensive, quality health care for all, saving New Yorkers billions of dollars in healthcare costs.

Robert will vote for the Reproductive Health Act codifying the protections of Roe V Wade in NYS because health care decisions belong between a woman and her doctor and can no longer be entrusted to Washington.

Robert will vote for common sense gun laws to prevent dangerous felons and abusers from buying guns and he will vote for practical gun safety laws to keep guns and ammunition locked away to reduce accidental child shooting accidents.

And Robert will vote for the Child Victims Act to protect our most vulnerable.

Robert’s experience includes creating jobs, children’s safety, education, balancing budgets, and environmental improvement. And he refuses to stand still and watch our infrastructure deteriorate.

In the past two years, Robert worked tirelessly to help other Democrats such as George Latimer and Shelley Mayer get elected. In recognition of his commitment to the Democratic Party, he was endorsed by nearly every Party Committee and Grassroots organization in Senate District 40. Robert and his supporters knew last September that he could beat the Republican incumbent and keep the “Blue Wave” flowing.

I have no doubt, that Robert Kesten is the most qualified person to be our next State Senator for District 40. He has given 8 Town Halls on our most important issues. That’s 8 more than anyone else.

He is knowledgeable, confident, ethical and committed to victory.

Mark A. Lieberman

Vision With Action Can Change The World

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