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Dutchess County Office for the Aging’s AGING NEWS For the week of December 4, 2017


Dutchess County Office for the Aging’s


For the week of December 4, 2017

Golden Living . . . News for Senior Citizens

Todd N. Tancredi, Director

Dutchess County Office for the Aging



            It can be difficult to control calorie consumption on a typical day, but the task becomes vastly more difficult when holidays are in the mix. Every cook in your family is bringing their “A” game this time of year, and it’s all so delicious.

            Can you have your cake and eat it, too? It’s possible, if you keep the slices small enough.

            Office for the Aging Nutrition Coordinator Nimesh Bhargava will speak at several of our Senior Friendship Centers this month on the topic “Make Health the New Holiday Tradition.” All presentations take place at 11 a.m. Here’s where he’ll be:

o   Thursday, December 7: South Amenia Senior Friendship Center, 229 South Amenia Rd(845) 373-4305

o   Tuesday, December 12: Rhinebeck Senior Friendship Center, 1232 Route 308

(845) 758-0571

o   Thursday, December 14: Beacon Senior Friendship Center, 1 Forrestal Heights

(845) 838-4871

o   Thursday, December 21: East Fishkill Senior Friendship Center, 890 Route 82

(845) 226-3605

            All Office for the Aging talks are free and open to the public.  Those wishing to stay for lunch after the talk should call the Friendship Center to make a reservation.  There is a suggested lunch donation of $3 for those over age 60 and a $4 charge for those under 60, but no one over 60 will be turned away because of inability to contribute or decision not to contribute.

            Additionally, there will be a similar presentation on healthy eating during the holidays at 11 a.m. on Friday, December 8 at King’s Apartments in Pawling (20 Pine Dr.).

            For more information on all Office for the Aging nutrition presentations, email or call (845) 486-2555.  (Note: since this column went to press in the Poughkeepsie Journal, we’ve added even more nutrition presentations. Keep reading to find out more.)

            The Office for the Aging also offers presentations on successful aging, Office for the Aging services, Medicare and Medicaid, senior housing and more. If you represent a seniors’ group, civic or social organization, house-of-worship organization, or other non-profit agency, find out more by emailing or calling (845) 486-2555. All we require is a handicapped-accessible venue that’s open to the public, along with a space to set up our equipment.


            Another way to fend off the effects of holiday indulgence is to join an exercise program. Even if you manage to resist high-calorie treats, time will take its toll on your muscle mass, starting at about age 40. The decline in muscle mass is roughly 8% a decade until age 70, and then loss of muscle mass tends to accelerate, leaving you at risk of becoming too frail to live independently.

            An exercise regimen that incorporates weight-bearing exercises can preserve muscle mass and keep you from becoming frail.  If you don’t already belong to an exercise group or gym, consider joining one of the dozens of Dutchess County Senior Exercise Class locations around the county.  Classes generally meet twice a week during the daytime hours. Contact the Office for the Aging at (845) 486-2555 for more information.


Golden Living is prepared by the Dutchess County Office for the Aging, 27 High Street, Poughkeepsie, New York 12601, telephone (845) 486-2555, website:

Office for the Aging calendar of events:

Tue 12/5, 11 a.m. – “Mindful Eating During the Holidays”

With OFA nutrition coordinator Nimesh Bhargava

TriTown Senior Friendship Center

55 Overlook Rd., Poughkeepsie (rear of American Legion building)

(845) 486-2555 for details

Wed 12/6, 11 a.m. – “Mindful Eating During the Holidays”

With OFA nutrition coordinator Nimesh Bhargava

                        Millerton Senior Friendship Center

                        21 Dutchess Ave., Millerton

                        (845) 486-2555 for details

Thu 12/7, 11 a.m. – “Mindful Eating During the Holidays”

With OFA nutrition coordinator Nimesh Bhargava

                        South Amenia Senior Friendship Center

                        229 South Amenia Rd. (Wassaic)

                        (845) 486-2555 for details

Fri 12/8, 1:30 p.m. – “Enjoying the Holidays Without Weight Gain”

                        With OFA nutrition coordinator Nimesh Bhargava

                        King’s Apartments, 20 Pine Dr., Pawling

                        (845) 486-2555 for details

Mon 12/11, 11 a.m. – “Mindful Eating During the Holidays”

With OFA nutrition coordinator Nimesh Bhargava

                        Friends and Family Adult Day Program

4327 Albany Post Rd. (Route 9), Hyde Park

(845) 486-2555 for details

Tue 12/12, 11 a.m. – “Mindful Eating During the Holidays”

With OFA nutrition coordinator Nimesh Bhargava

                        Rhinebeck Senior Friendship Center

                        1232 Route 308, Rhinebeck (Rock City)

                        (845) 486-2555 for details

Thu 12/14, 11 a.m. – “Mindful Eating During the Holidays”

With OFA nutrition coordinator Nimesh Bhargava

                        Beacon Senior Friendship Center, 1 Forrestal Heights

                        (845) 486-2555 for details

Wed 2/14/18, 10:30 a.m. – “Successful Aging”

                        With OFA outreach coordinator Brian Jones

                        Pine Plains Free Library, Second Floor Community Room

                        7775 South Main St. (Route 82)

                        (845) 486-2555 for details

                        Snow date: 3/14/18

Wed 3/21/18, 11:30 a.m. – “Successful Aging”

                        With OFA outreach coordinator Brian Jones

                        At “Lunch and Learn”, Temple Beth-El

                        118 South Grand Ave., Poughkeepsie

                        (845) 486-2555 for details

            To request an Office for the Aging presentation for your senior, social and/or civic group, get in touch with outreach coordinator Brian Jones at (845) 486-2555 All your group needs to provide is a venue that’s wheelchair-accessible and open to the public, with space to set up a projector and screen.  We have our own projector and screen – but if you have those, let us know. This time of year, we recommend you come up with an alternate presentation date you can make available in case of inclement winter weather.

We feature presentations on Successful Aging, Office for the Aging services, Medicare/Medicaid, senior housing, a wide range of topics related to nutrition, and more!


This week’s OFA volunteer opportunities:

Home Delivered Meals drivers – some of our volunteers in Beacon, LaGrange, Poughkeepsie and other areas are snowbirds and we could certainly use some wintertime replacements. This is a great way to give of yourself during the holiday season as well as in 2018.  Contact nutrition coordinator Nimesh Bhargava or (845) 486-2555.

Spotlight on Seniors preparation – we’ve got over 1500 copies that need to be mailed out, and we’ll need help at OFA offices to get the Spotlights prepared for mailing. If you’re available on Monday the 4th or Tuesday the 5th, contact outreach coordinator Brian Jones at or (845) 486-2555.

For more opportunities to help your senior friends and neighbors in conjunction with the OFA’s mission, contact Friends of Seniors at (845) 485-1277 and/or the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) at (845) 452-5104.



            From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesday, December 5th, at the Red Hook Public Library (7444 S. Broadway a/k/a Route 9), two experts will guide families of those affected by Alzheimer’s through the legal and financial mazes they may face.

Participants will learn why, how, and when to put plans in place to best care for and protect their loved ones. Featuring guest speakers Michael Martin of Martin Law PC, and C.J. Tomaskovic of Rhinebeck Asset Management, this workshop and luncheon is free and open to everyone.

This is a joint effort of the Alzheimer’s Association and Red Hook Public Library, supported by a grant from the New York State Department of Health. It will take place in the library’s Community Room on the third floor. An elevator is available.

            Like all Red Hook library programs, this event is free and open to the public, though space is limited and advanced registration is required. Please call the library at(845) 758-3241 to sign up.


            A public hearing is being held at the state capitol this Wednesday, December 6, at 11 a.m., to explore the ways in which community-based non-medical services and programs provide cost-effective supports to seniors living in their homes and neighborhoods and look at new approaches to delivering these services.

            The hearing takes place at Hamilton Hearing Room B at the Legislative Office Building in Albany. For more information, contact the Office for the Aging. For those who’d like to present testimony there’s a form to fill out, which we have if you need it.

            Here’s the Google Maps link to the hearing’s location:


            Caring for an older family member or friend can be both stressful and rewarding. One key to optimal caregiving is learning skills like self-care and stress reduction. An ongoing group that meets on the first and third Thursdays of every month from 3-4:30 p.m. at the Center for Healthy Aging in Rhinebeck (6529 Springbrook Ave. (a/k/a Route 9)) provides support to challenged caregivers.

            Attendance is free but a screening interview is required; contact Allison Gould at (845) 876-4745 to find out more. See also

Other aging news online:

Those articles promising the secret of longer life? Be skeptical:

If you’re headed down to the city this holiday season, the Metropolitan Museum of Art website features a helpful page for visitors with dementia and their caregivers:

And so does the Museum of Modern Art:

(If you know of a local cultural institution with programs for people with dementia and their caregivers, we’d love to know about them – email

Loneliness is possible among seniors, even in a country with 1.3 bilion people:

New York bingo enthusiasts are not happy about the law that went into effect last year which     prohibits those under 18 from playing bingo:

Owning a dog could lengthen your life…or living longer might mean you’re more likely to own a dog. You never can quite tell with these studies:

This week in senior birthdays:

12/5: Singer/pianist Little Richard (85)

12/6: “Craigslist” founder Craig Newmark (65)

12/7: Baseball Hall-of-Famer Johnny Bench (69)

12/8: Irish flute player James Galway (78)

12/9: Actor/producer Kirk Douglas (101)

12/10: NBA referee Dick Bavetta (78)

12/11: Businessman/philanthropist Aaron Feuerstein (92)

Brian Jones
Outreach Coordinator

Dutchess County Office For the Aging

27 High Street

Poughkeepsie NY 12601

Phone: (845) 486-2555 Fax: (845) 486-2571


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