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Trailblazers PAC Endorses Helen Grosso for Dutchess County Legislature District 23


Trailblazers PAC Endorses Helen Grosso for Dutchess County Legislature District 23

Grosso Earns Support for Commitment to Transparency, Grassroots Support

(Horseheads) – Trailblazers PAC, the non-partisan pro-transparency organization founded by former State Senate candidate Leslie Danks Burke, today announced the endorsement of Helen Grosso, continuing their work to make voters the most important voices at the table by supporting pro-transparency, grassroots candidates.

Trailblazers PAC endorsed candidates: are running at the County level or lower; are 100% transparent in disclosing their campaign finances (far beyond what state law requires); have received a portion of their contributions from voting households in the district or municipality they want to represent; and are committed continued transparency in office once elected.

“Now more than ever we’re seeing regular citizens step up to better their communities through local politics. Real change begins at the local level and we are excited to support Helen Grosso as a candidate who is committed to clean government, and moving politics out of the back room and onto the front porch.” said Leslie Danks Burke, founder and president of Trailblazers PAC.

“The requirement from Trailblazers PAC to recruit in-district supporters willing to stand on the record for donating to my campaign really does work. I don’t have to please one or two primary donors but now have a clear directive coming from dozens of residents who prove they want to be part of the decision-making process for taxation and services they receive,” said Helen Grosso, candidate for Dutchess County Legislature District 23. “I would like to double that number and enable many more to take such ownership.”​


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