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Summer is the busiest time of the year at the Pawling Library

Summer is the busiest time of the year at the Pawling Library. Especially after school gets out, families rely on the library to help keep their children active and learning.  The theme for programs this summer is “Build a Better World”. From little babies through high school, children are using building and construction-themed programs to learn about books, language, science, and the world around them.

“Without summer learning and reading programs, children (and adults!) quickly lose the skills they have been building over the course of year”, explains Neena McBaer, the library’s children program coordinator, “that’s why it is critical we keep kids learning and thinking during the summer. “ Kate Lambert, the library’s teen program coordinator also notes, “even if kids aren’t able to come to our programs, they can participate by competing in our summer reading rally or taking advantage of one of our volunteer programs at the library.” For more information about the library and its events and services, visit

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