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Dutchess County Office for the Aging’s AGING NEWS For the week of December 26


Dutchess County Office for the Aging’s


For the week of December 26


Note: The Office for the Aging’s headquarters at 27 High Street in the City of Poughkeepsie was closed for the Christmas holiday yesterday (Monday, December 26), and will be closed for New Year’s on Monday, January 2. Home Delivered Meals clients will receive this week’s extra meal before the New Year’s holiday weekend. This week and next, your Aging News is being emailed on Tuesdays instead of Mondays.


Golden Living . . . News for Senior Citizens

Todd N. Tancredi, Director

Dutchess County Office for the Aging

One of our key goals at the Dutchess County Office for the Aging is to lead people to view aging positively and away from negative assumptions about the aging process. One of those assumptions is the mistaken belief falls and injuries are an inevitable part of growing older, when many falls are fully preventable when the right precautions are taken.


More than 200 Dutchess County seniors have participated in the Office for the Aging’s program, A Matter of Balance.


Today being Christmas, give yourself a gift and join a Matter of Balance class near you. Beginning in February 2017, the Office for the Aging will offer its spring series of Matter of Balance classes.


A Matter of Balance is an instructional, educational program. It helps participants to view falls and fear of falling as controllable; set realistic goals for increasing activity; change their environments to reduce fall risk factors; and promote exercise to increase strength and balance. The program consists of eight two-hour sessions, during which participants hear presentations, watch videos, exchange information, engage in group activities and exercise. The exercises – a combination of flexibility, strengthening and balance – comprise approximately 25 percent of the total program.


A majority of those who completed a satisfaction survey after the course have said they have taken steps to improve the safety of their home environment. A majority also reported that either their balance has improved, or they’ve initiated safety measures to compensate for poor balance.


A Matter of Balance is designed for community-dwelling seniors who are concerned about falls; have sustained a fall in the past; restrict activities because of concerns about falling; are interested in improving flexibility, balance and strength; and are age 60 or older, ambulatory and able to problem-solve.


The Office for the Aging has scheduled county-wide classes beginning in the late winter and spring of 2017. They will continue for eight weeks at once a week, or four weeks at twice a week.


The schedule is as follows, with specific locations, dates and times to be provided for those who are accepted into the classes:


Interested seniors must call the Office for the Aging for an application, complete the application and return it to the OFA. Participant selection will be on a first-come, first-served basis, and “Matter of Balance” regulations do not allow walk-ins at classes. All class locations will be handicapped-accessible. If you are selected for a Matter of Balance class, the coordinator and coaches will notify you in late January or early February.


Golden Living is prepared by the Dutchess County Office for the Aging, 27 High Street, Poughkeepsie, New York 12601, telephone (845) 486-2555, website:


Upcoming Office for the Aging presentations and events:


Tuesday 1/10/17, 11 a.m. – “Successful Aging” at Rhinebeck Senior Friendship Center

Memorial Lutheran Church, 1232 Route 308, Rhinebeck (Rock City)

(845) 758-0571 for information

Wednesday 2/8, 12 noon – “Successful Aging” at Pine Plains Community Center

7775 Route 82 (above the library)

Monday 4/3/17, 2 p.m. – “Succesful Aging” at Pawling Library

11 Broad St.

(845) 855-3444 for information

To request an Office for the Aging presentation for your senior, social and/or civic group, get in touch with outreach coordinator Brian Jones at (845) 486-2555 All you need provide is a venue that’s accessible and open to the public, and a space to set up a projector and screen – and this time of year, an alternate date in case your venue is closed by winter weather.



            On Thursday, January 5, from 7 to 9 p.m., world-renowned disaster mental health expert Dr. James Halpern will be speaking at the Dutchess County Department of Emergency Response (392 Creek Rd., Poughkeepsie). While the main focus during a disaster may be on physical wounds in need of immediate attention, psychological harm caused by traumatic events can be just as detrimental, both for patients and caregivers. That is why psychological first-aid is an essential part of any disaster relief effort.

On Thursday, January 19 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Dutchess County Department of Behavioral & Community Health (230 North Road, Poughkeepsie, between the Palace Diner and All Sport Fitness), Dutchess County’s Chief Forensic Investigator Robert Bready will explain the role of the county Medical Examiner, and the differences between what you see on TV and the real role of medical investigations.

Space is limited for both presentations, so reservations are appreciated by emailing MRC coordinator Joe Ryan ( or by calling (845) 486-2493.

Both presentations are part of the Medical Reserve Corps of Dutchess County’s ongoing Seminar Series.


Other aging news online:


More holiday-season tips for caregivers and family members of those with dementia:


UK researchers say there’s been a breakthrough in the treatment of bone disorders caused by aging and disease, with human clinical trials to begin within two years:


Binge drinking is on the rise among baby boomers (ages 50-68, roughly), as is marijuana use:


Do you look after your grandkids? It could add years to your life:


Researchers at Iowa State University are exploring what type-2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease may have in common:


Leafy greens: good for your brain in later years:


Would you wear a “robot suit” if it improved your mobility?


Having fun in your 50’s is helpful to successful aging later on…but if you’re past your 50’s already there’s ample opportunity to catch up:


There used to be 1500 bookbinders in Manhattan as recently as 1980 – now there’s just one, but his story is fascinating:


This week in senior birthdays:

Mon 12/26: Singer Abdul “Duke” Fakir (The Four Tops) (81)

Tue 12/27: Yankees outfielder/coach Roy White (73)

Wed 12/28: Comics legend Stan Lee (96)

Thu 12/29: Actress/diabetes activist Mary Tyler Moore (80)

Fri 12/30: Brooklyn/LA Dodgers Hall of Fame pitcher Sandy Koufax (81)

Sat 12/31: Actor/director Anthony Hopkins (79)

Sun 1/1: Actor Frank Langella (79)




Brian Jones
Outreach Coordinator

Dutchess County Office For the Aging

27 High Street

Poughkeepsie NY 12601


Phone: (845) 486-2555 Fax: (845) 486-2571


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