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Back-to-School Bus Safety and Driver Awareness


Back-to-School Bus Safety and Driver Awareness

As children across Dutchess County return to school this week, Dutchess County Sheriff Adrian “Butch” Anderson and County Executive Marc Molinaro join with the Dutchess County Traffic Safety Board to remind motorists, parents and students to follow the rules for school bus safety and exercise caution on the road. Motorists are encouraged to drive carefully and use caution, especially during the school year, when students are boarding and disembarking school buses.

Sheriff Anderson said, “Please drive cautiously and follow the law while driving on our roadways to ensure our children are safe traveling to and from school. Motorists’ actions can greatly affect the safety of our young students, so we ask everyone to do what they can to make sure this is a happy and safe school year.”

County Executive Molinaro said, “Throughout Dutchess County, thousands of children will step on a school bus for the first time this week. I sincerely ask drivers to obey traffic safety laws, be courteous to pedestrians and fellow motorists, and do their part so our young students arrive at school safely.”

Motorists are asked to pay close attention and remember the following:

Students should pay special attention to school bus safety in and around school zones, and near bus stops. School children and parents should take notice of the following bus safety tips:

“The start of the school year gives us all a chance to familiarize ourselves with the rules of school bus safety,” County Executive Molinaro said. “Please schedule additional time for your morning and afternoon commutes to give our children a safe ride to and from school. Our children’s safety is our top priority. By observing the law and being courteous on the roads, we can all help them have a rewarding and safe school year.”

More information on bus safety rules can be viewed online here.

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